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Why Cities Feel Glorious
And why, in comparison, the suburbs so often feel flat.
Forging the Future with the Tip of a Pen
How Jake Weidmann, one of 11 master penmen in the world, uses ink to link the past and future.
The Forgotten Woman of Evangelical History
Sarah Osborn's 18th-century life reveals an astonishing amount about the origins of American evangelicalism.
Making Culture in a Small Town Storefront
Why I helped restore a relic from the past on behalf of the next generation.
The Quest for the Perfect Atheist
Susan Jacoby's biography of Robert Ingersoll mistakes a likeable fellow with a second-rate mind for a "freethinking" hall-of-famer.
This American Christian Life
Series shows why we need to know our U.S. church history.
Why I Changed My Mind About Martin Luther King's ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech
I've been among those who've said its popularity has obscured King's larger message. This year, I'm reconsidering it.
What You Need to Know About the Bay Psalm Book
Boston's Old South Church is selling a copy of the historic volume. Here's why it's such a big deal.
The Truth About World War II's True Shepherds
Chaplains watched over their flocks in the midst of great danger.
Why Every City Needs a Central Park
And why more Christians are needed in urban planning.
Falling Away from its Founding
Os Guinness correctly sees America sinking into "soft despotism," but his proposals for restoring its civic health don't go deep enough.
My Top 5 Books on The Cold War
A faith-focused list on the long battle with Communism.
Will America Keep the Faith?
Journalist David Aikman wonders whether our nation will squander its spiritual heritage.
Give Church-State Peace a Chance
Michael Meyerson charts a historical path between the extremes of our church-state debates.
Horton Foote's Daughter: 'He Was the Great American Writer'
On the 50th anniversary of 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' Hallie Foote remembers her dad.
Polarizing Politics by Defending the Declaration
Social conservatism draws its viability from America's founding principles. A review of 'The Case for Polarized Politics.'
Commander and Chaplain: The Faith of Presidents
Gary Scott Smith explores how faith has influenced presidential policies.
America as a Christian Nation? Cherry-Picking from the Past
Christian claims about the United States' origins need grounding in historical fact.
Who Are Americans?
What Christians contribute to the search for a national identity.
God Bless Texas?
All sides of a recent textbook battle are right, and wrong, about religion in American history.

Top Story April 29, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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